RadSchlager - - - - - - - - - AU

"Dieser prominente Radschlager macht sich vorzeitig auf den Weg, seine Fahrerlaubnis zu erwerben: Ein großes Rad für einen Menschen, ein kleines für die fahrende Menschheit."

Clemens-Raphael Dethlefsen, Artistdesign


"What about mobility without wheels? Can you imagine to move forward in life only using your feet? Yes, you can: But you won't like this idea. You like your comfortable way of living, that you may designate as easy-going, but in reality it it easy-rolling."

Clemens-Raphael Dethlefsen, Artistdesign


"The pic makes a point but this way of moving looks rather exhaustive. As the pic already is at an imaginary stage, I'd rather prefer a more 3-dimensional, hovering kind of movement. Probably without any wheels involved."

Günther Müller-Röhlck, Rapidrain


"@GÜMÜRÖ: Your point of view is quite technical. I suppose you are a visionary inventor or you often read SciFi? So be sure your dreams will come true: http://strongvolkswagen.blogspot.de/2012/05/twilight-zone-blog-is-vw-hover-craft.html "

Clemens-Raphael Dethlefsen, Artistdesign